: Mount Uluru, also known as Ayers Rock, is a sandstone mountain
located in the Northern Territory, in the center of the main island
of Australia. It rises 348 meters above the plain. It is a sacred
place for the Aboriginal people Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara and at
the base of which they sometimes practice rituals and produce rock
paintings of great cultural importance. This, combined with
geological and hydrological peculiarities, as well as remarkable
colors it can take, especially at sunset, made it a symbol of
Australia, since its discovery in 1873
It is listed on the World Heritage List of UNESCO through the Uluru- Kata Tjuta National Park (also known as Mount Olga ), one of the iconic formations. This park also protects the delicate species adapted to the arid climate of the outback, and are an important Anangu resource .
It is listed on the World Heritage List of UNESCO through the Uluru- Kata Tjuta National Park (also known as Mount Olga ), one of the iconic formations. This park also protects the delicate species adapted to the arid climate of the outback, and are an important Anangu resource .
Mount Uluru is located in the southwest of the Northern Territory and is also at the heart of Australia. Mount Uluru has a height of 348 meter from the ground to the top
In the mythology of the Anangu Aboriginal, at the very beginning, there was Tjukurpa, the Dreamtime. The Earth was flat and then empty , without light or darkness, and nature was awaiting the arrival of the divine hero who would give it shape and life. They are the ones who created the Uluru, the Red Centre, the sacred mountain, witnessed all the events.
Between 1918 and 1921, large areas along South Australia, Western Australia, and Northern Territory, Aboriginal reserves were classified, thereby providing sanctuaries for nomadic people who had virtually no contact with the settlers.
Australian Aborigines are the first human known to have mainland . They are, with the natives of the Torres Strait, the Aboriginal population of the Pacific state. The most common aboriginal word generally refers to one whose ancestors were the earliest known inhabitants of his native land .
Marine & Remy
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