Fitzgerald Kennedy (AKA JFK) was born on May 29th, 1917 in
Brooklyn, and died on November 22nd , 1963, assassinated
by Lee Harvey Oswald. He was married to Jacqueline Kennedy. She was
born on July 28th, 1929 in Southampton. With Kennedy she had three
children Arabella (1956), Caroline (1957) and John JR (1960-1999)
cheated on Jacqueline Kennedy with Marilyn Monroe whose real name was
Norma Jeane Baker born on the 1st of June 1926 in
California. She was an actress, singer and model. She died on August
5th , 1962 at the age of 36 years old.
World War II, Kennedy began his political career in 1946 by being
elected president of the House of Representatives. In 1948 and 1950
he was reelected twice president but he was not always in agreement
with President Harry S. Truman and the Democratic Party
became président of the USA in 1960 and started in January 1961. On
March 28th , 1961, he launcheda weapons program, one of
the largest in peace time. He doubled the number of nuclear bombs,
increases the number of strategic bombers and missiles, he also
increased the number of divisions on alert and quad units of
anti-guerrilla struggles. He also launched a vast space program to
meet the engagement of the Russians on that field. Thanks to him, the
first man to step on the moon was American.
April 16-18, 1963, the Kennedy administration tried to implement a
plan originally prepared by Dwight Eisenhower to overthrow Fidel
Castro, the communist Cuban President. With the help of the CIA; 1500
Cuban exiles returned to the island and tried to rally the
population; it was a failure that was known as the "invasion of
the Bay of Pigs." In less than two days, Kennedy refusing any
air support, the Castro government killed or captured exiles and
Kennedy had to negotiate their release. It will be obtained after 20
months at a price of $ 53 million in food and medicine. Kennedy, in a
speech, said he was solely responsible for the disaster, but in
private, he said that the CIA lied to him and manipulated him to give
the order of the total invasion of Cuba. Allen Welsh Dulles, CIA
director, will be dismissed and the remainder of the term of Kennedy
will be marked by a certain distrust of the intelligence community
Gregoire & Morgan L
Very interesting !!!!