lundi 11 novembre 2013

Famous People


Guy Fawkes's father died when he was only 8 years old. His mother married then a Catholic man. Fawkes became Catholic and left Great Britain. He left for the continent to make war.
When he came back, England had a new king, James I. He hoped this new king would be kind to the Catholics but it wasn't the case. He planned to assasinate King James the first to restore a Catholic monarch on the throne. The conspirators obtained the lease of a crypt beneath the chambers of the Parliament and they stocked barrels of gun powder to blow the parliament and the king on the opening day of the 5th of November. But Guy Fawkes was denounced and he was taken prisonner, the king was saved. He was tortured and executed and now every year, English people build huge bonfires and burn the effigy of Guy Fawkes on the 5th of November. They even invented a little poem:

Allan & Valentin

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