mercredi 22 janvier 2014


Chocolate Potato Cake.

For a potato chocolate cake you must take (for 8 people):

200 grams of flour,
75 grams of sugar,
50 grams unsalted soft butter ,
50 grams of unsweetened cocoa powder plus a little to line the molds ,
60 grams of milk,
4 eggs ,
60 grams of potatoes,
1 packet of baking powder ,
½ vanilla bean ,
1 small pinch of salt.

For the chocolate icing :

100 grams of cream,
100 grams of covering chocolate ,
1 small domed teaspoon of butter.
A can of icing sugar for decoration (optional)

* In a large pot of boiling water, cook potatoes, washed, peeled and cut into small dice. Drain and mash.

* Preheat oven to 180 °C. Line the mold. Begin with butter then add the bitter cocoa powder for lining (This avoids big white streaks of flour on a chocolate cake )

* In a small saucepan, heat the milk over low heat in which you put the half vanilla bean that has been cut in half lengthwise .

* Once the milk is hot (it should not boil ) turn off the heat and leave to infuse the vanilla pod for 10 to 15 minutes. Remove and reserve the milk.

* In a bowl, mix all sieved powders (flour, unsweetened cocoa , baking powder ) and salt

* In another bowl , vigorously beat the butter and sugar until the mixture becomes smooth. Add the eggs one by one, beating between each incorporation .

* Then gradually add the powders (not all at once, compact pieces would form . Alternate powder and vanilla milk)

* Then add mashed potatoes. The texture should be much denser than in a classic chocolate cake.

* Pour the mixture into the mold or molds and bake for 30 minutes. The cake is ready when a knife dipped in his heart dry spring.

* Meanwhile, prepare the chocolate frosting. In a saucepan, gently heat the cream with the chocolate. Mix well and when the chocolate is melted, remove from heat, add butter and mix again.

* Remove the cake from the oven and let cool before unmolding. Once unmolded the cake, cover the chocolate icing and store ten minutes in the refrigerator.

Beef Irish Stew

1 kg of sirloin beef cut into stew
250 g of sliced ​​carrots
1 kg of onion rings
3 bay leaves
2 c. tablespoons of flour
150 ml of Guinness beer
1 c. tablespoons of chopped parsley
2 c. of oil table

* Preheat oven to th.3 / 4 (140 º C).

* Heat oil in a pan, fry the bay leaves (closing with a lid because of splashing).

* Add the meat, let it brown all sides, until the meat is cooked in half. Add the onions, fry until everything is golden brown.

Mélanie & Océane M 

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