vendredi 24 mai 2013

Australia - Animals

watch out :we'll talk about kangaroos

Strictly speaking, the name refers to a kangaroo member of the four largest living species: the red kangaroo, giant kangaroo, eastern gray kangaroo and antelope kangaroo.

In a broad sense, there gathers 63 largest living species of the family of macropods. In addition to the above species are added wallaroos, wallabies, tree kangaroos, pademelon and quokka.This is why they fight before mating. During severe droughts, females automatically become sterile. Like all marsupials, kangaroos give birth to newborn embryo in 4 weeks, at a stage of development equivalent to that of a human embryo of eight weeks. At this stage it is not more than 2 cm and weighs 1 gram. To join the marsupial pouch (marsupium), it crawls on the fur of his mother. To help him, his mother traces his path with her saliva. This maternal pocket is located on the stomach at a distance of 30 cm above the vagina and opened up. It contains four "nipples" that produce milk whose composition  then becomes richer in protein to promote brain development and limbs . 
Most kangaroos are herbivores, but some of them are also insectivores.
They are active mainly at dusk and at night. Their predators are dingoes and dogs, since their main predator  the Tasmanian dog, has disappeared. To fight the dogs, one of their favorite tactics is to go into the water and drown the attacker, they can also use their feet to combat the agressor.
They have no particular cry, although they may growl or make a sound like a cough. In some cases, they can blow a bit like cats. Females can call their offspring by emitting clicks language. However, the most common sound that kangaroos produce is their strong legs hitting the ground to prevent their peers from danger.
Kangaroos move by leaps and bounds with great subtlety, their running speeds varies rather slowly in general about 30 km / h

Francky & Timothy

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